Not Golden Information Week

Well, we’re coming up to Japan’s “Golden week” of holidays. Great name, except that there’s nothing golden about getting caught in what the media love to call the ‘U-turn rush’ - where teeming millions find themselves in giant carparks known as ‘expressways’ on trying to return to Tokyo.

And one more thing - it’s not actually a week of holidays for most of Japan’s corporate foot soldiers. Just a few days tagged on to a weekend. I’ve never left Tokyo during this time as the city is often quieter and cleaner.

This year I’ve plenty of projects to be getting on with but will also make some time to check out online IT community resources.
One that caught my eye is the relaunched Network Computing / Information Week platform. I had a quick look and will return for more.

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About the Author
Author: Mark McClure - A freelance b2b case study and white paper writer to the computer networking industry. Based in Tokyo, Japan. About the 'Samurai Writer'.

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